… out of my oven:

A friend asked me for “an easy recipe for simple cupcakes” today. I got so frustrated searching the Internet for hours that I had to make myself one of the recipes that I sent her. People constantly nag me for recipes, but the truth is I simply follow other exciting recipes I find through foody sites.
Good for her that today was the first day since Friday that I felt somewhat better. I came down with a bad cold exactly when my holiday started, thinking that I was the only one in my family to survive this half-winter without any sicknesses. :(
…off my needles

My boyfriend ‘got’ me this awesome SLR camera lately. It’s like Christmas came early (or belatedly?), because I wanted an SLR since I was allowed to drive a car (which has been quite some time now). I say ‘got me’ with quotation marks because it is the exact same camera he owns, but brand new that he bought second-hand from one of his friends. I totally don’t mind not having guarantee or anything, because I’m sure that the boyfriend will look out for my camera as well as he did for his own up until now.
Oh, and we’re still re-decorating our apartment. Last week I took a short trip to IKEA and got us a Billy bookshelf, which weighs 40 kilos! Crazy me was too stubborn and couldn’t wait for it to be in our flat and carried it all by myself. You cannot imagine the pain I had in my arms for three more days!